Created in 1996 by Wayne Hepburn of Mission Media Inc., this holiday is a favorite of many who love elephants. I have a personal favorite elephant story, one which many think I've fabricated, but for a while my parents had an elephant living in their backyard in Jackson, NJ. It's not a story with a happy ending because Ned (the elephant) died while he lived with my parents, but the events and turmoil that it caused does have it's humorous points as you can imagine. Ned was an Asian elephant as opposed to the more recognized African elephant...what's the difference you ask...
The Asian or sometimes called Indian elephant is smaller than it's African cousin. Proportionately the Asian's ears are also smaller. The skin tone of the African elephant is predominately grayish while the Asian elephant appear brown or reddish in color. African elephants rarely lie down unless they are sick or wounded. Indian elephants, in contrast, lie down frequently. African elephants have three nails on each hind foot, and four on each front foot. Indian elephants have four nails on each hind foot and five on each front foot. Normally, the skin of an Asian is covered with more hair than its African counterpart.
If you love elephants you might want to check out an assortment of elephant items available at my Zazzle shop...
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